Pat whisked Tatum into her bright, sun-lit studio.
“This place brings me lots of inspiration for what to do next,” said Pat, “Why don’t you look out on the city and paint what comes to you?”
Tatum didn’t really understand how this would help, but decided to try it anyway.
“This place brings me lots of inspiration for what to do next,” said Pat, “Why don’t you look out on the city and paint what comes to you?”
Tatum didn’t really understand how this would help, but decided to try it anyway.
After a while, Tatum had a mess of rainbow colors on a page.
“It’s inspiring,” said Pat.
Tatum felt better to at least have something physical to look at after such a long day, but still felt like they didn’t have the answer they were looking for. So they thanked Pat for her time, and left.